Editors: Aejaz Nasir, Domenico Coppola
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, New York
Language: English
Year: 2016
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4939-3426-3
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4939-3424-9
No. of pages: XIII, 543
The first edition of “Neuroendocrine Tumors: Review of Pathology, Molecular and Therapeutic Advances” starts from a pathology perspective in a very dynamic field which requires a multidisciplinary approach. A collaborative effort including endocrinologists, radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, oncologists explains the huge progress done in this complex puzzle of neuroendocrine tumors. The dynamic guidelines from
World Health Organization, European Neuroendocrine Tumors as well as the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society reflect this progress. The authors, mainly from the Department of Anatomic Pathology at the H.Lee Moffitt Cancer Center from Tampa, Florida, considered all Neuroendocrine tumors in three parts: general topics, systemic approach and therapeutic advances.
The general part includes the general classification (grading, staging), the differential diagnosis, immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics as well as the poorly differentiated GEP-NET. This
part reflects the new classification of NET on anatomic and functional criteria, bringing recent histological
grading and staging schemes endorsed by the major neuroendocrine and international societies. Different available systems (ENETS, UICC/AJCC) are presented in detail. The chapter on advanced pathology techniques (immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics) presents all the certified tumor markers, including somatostatin receptors, but also the molecular genetics of hereditary disorders leading to NET.
The systemic approach (Part II) starts with the NET of the brain, medullary thyroid cancer, NET of mediastinum and thymus, NET in the lungs, breast cancer with neuroendocrine features; furthermore,
there are distinct chapters for the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon and rectum, as
well as a consistent chapter dedicated to pancreas. Pheochromocytomas and neuroblastic tumors are
discussed in another important chapter. The urinary tract (bladder), the prostate and female genital tract are also distinct targets for a comprehensive discussion of NET. Finally, the Merkel neuroendocrine skin cancer and Ewing sarcoma are treated in the last chapters of part II.
Part III is dedicated to potential treatments starting from the neuroendocrine tumor markers. The
concept of precision medicine and translational approach for the treatment of NET is obviously the main principle of this part, considering the somatostatin receptors, abnormal angiogenesis as well as targeted therapies.
The style is precise and attractive, with many tables and 130 illustrations in color, adding a great value to the this excellent pathology textbook.
In summary, the book brings together the diagnostic and clinical expertise of an outstanding team of practicing neuroendocrine pathologists and oncologists. In addition to in-depth coverage of clinico-pathologic aspects of NETs of the various organ systems, the recent histological grading and staging schemes, this book also focuses on the recent molecular and therapeutic advances in NET oncology. It is a must for all involved in care of NET patients, starting from pathologists but also endocrinologists, oncologists, and surgeons.
Corin Badiu MD, PhD
“C.I. Parhon” National Institute of Endocrinology,
“C. Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dept. of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania
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